Forest and nature school programs are a way for teens to connect with the Land within a positive, attachment-oriented community setting. Learn in a hands-on and experiential way in these place-based classes.

Join us for a new forest school program for middle-schoolers! Created for students aged 12-15, this independent class welcomes students from all educational pathways and programs, including those who attend school, homeschoolers, and online learners.*
Our facilitators Kate and Willoughby bring a relational approach to interdisciplinary project-based learning through naturalist skills, eco arts and traditional crafts, land stewardship, and more. Projects connect practice with theory through readings and conversations to support the students’ integration of hands-on skills with conceptual understanding; integrating language, math, systems thinking, science, the arts, history, cultural studies, and life skills. Grounded in connection to place and community, this program is emergent, playful, and built on collaboration with each other and the more-than-human world.
Vancouver (Everett Crowley Park): Wednesdays 10-3
*For programs specific to online/blended learners, click here*
Programs run September to June.
Payment Policies & Information
Each registration requires a one-time $35 non-refundable membership*. Membership fees fund our scholarship and bursary program.
First month's fees due upon registration. These are nonrefundable.
We require 4 weeks' notice should you decide to withdraw. Remaining fees returned or canceled.
After January, fees are non-refundable, unless we can fill the space.
We accept homelearning (OL) funds and autism funding. Contact info@freshairlearning.org
Payments up to 30 days late will be assessed a 10% administration fee.
Payments more than 30 days late will be assessed a 25% administration fee.
Spots vacant after a month will be filled.
*Members Receive:
A one-time printable resource package for family outdoor exploration.
Free Monthly Member Meet Ups
10% off adult professional development programs
Sick Policies:
All programs: there are no credits or refunds for classes missed due to illness.
If enrolling a sibling in a program, enter the code "Sibling2023" to receive a 25% discount off your second and subsequent membership!
If fees pose a financial challenge for your family, please contact us about scholarship funds, to waive the membership fee or alternative payment schedules BEFORE YOU REGISTER. Contact info@freshairlearning.org